
Monday, July 23, 2012

Cat Tales ~ Wedding Hoorah!

Mommy is going to be MIA for the next week and a few days. She told Me that She is going to be very busy helping with stuff for the "Wedding Thing"!   
Hhrrmmp!   Doesn't Mommy know that Me is more important than any Wedding Shmedding Thing

But Mommy did promise to spend some extra special time with Me after the whole mess is over. And She promised Me a new Catnip plant or two.
So until then, there is going to be a whole lot of this going on......

And this.......

So stay tuned! Mommy will be back soon with lots of pictures! 

Purz and Catnip Dreams ....... Gomez


  1. I'm sure the wedding will be a big success under your supervision, Gomez. Keep everyone in line!

  2. Gomez, now you need to keep everyone calm and organized. Offer them so catnip, maybe! And tell your Mom good luck with all the wedding stuff, she must be so excited!!!

  3. wow, weddings can be so much fun. The photo with the pups and the cat is adorable.


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