
Monday, July 9, 2012

Cat Tales ~ Supervising

Mommy is getting ready for another show. This time it is the Elizabeth Celtic Festival in Elizabeth, Colorado. So Me has been supervising her work. Click here to learn about the Festival.

Mommy is still making the Faeries their Mushroom Houses (see the village behind Mes?) But Mommy is also making some very special necklaces. They's Fairy Key Pendants. 

Mommy says that these special Fairy Keys allow the wearer to see into the Faery Realm. Me likes the way they dangle. (P.S. Mommy says that she will have some in her Etsy Shoppe very soon!)


  1. Oh, Gomez, I bet you love those dangly fairy necklaces...don't bat at them too hard. Tell your Mommy her village is wonderful, everything looks magickal!!

  2. Yes Gomez -- fairy keys or cat toys? Good thing you're in upper management and have no time for distractions.

  3. Your mommy is so talented and I can't wait to buy one for myself. Although my kitties would like their own fariy collar charm.

  4. LOVE the necklaces and the wee kitty is adorable!



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