
Monday, July 16, 2012

Cat Tales ~ Robin's New Babies

Miss Robin over at Wiccan Writes has adopted two very cute Calico sisters and will soon be bringing them home to live with her. Those little girls are going to be SO HAPPY!!! And Miss Robin has started a blog about them and their adventures together. Click here to go to PurrrrSnicKitty. 
Miss Robin is such a nice lady! She's having a give-away at her blog, Wiccan Writes, so be sure to stop by for a visit.
And these little girls are very special. Click here to read about their story.

Purz and Catnip Dreams ....... Gomez


  1. Thank you, Gomez, for welcoming our little girls into the blog-o-sphere!! Isn't that a cute photo of them taken by Sandy Sandy? The little orange guy is Opie. he and his sister are staying with Sandy. Kittens!! Ain't they grand?

  2. They are so adorable. :) Cutest babies ever. I am glad they found a new loving home.


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