
Friday, July 13, 2012

Brief July Update~Faeries, Pumpkins and a Wedding

July is flying by! I've been busy with house guests, grandchildren, Faery goodness, and Wedding plans. Hubby's brother and his family came out for a brief visit over the July 4th holiday. It was great fun seeing them.
With Summer Vacation going on, all the grandchildren have been around more than normal. We've been busy baking cherry fruit pies, making mud pies in the sandbox, and generally just trying to enjoy ourselves despite the Summer Heat.

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Most of the wildfires which were consuming our State have been brought under control. Thank You to everyone for helping to send the much needed rain our way. The desolation and despair which was left in the wildfires' wakes will linger for years. But Mother Nature has a way of healing that which has been ravaged. Wildflowers and Aspen Trees will come to grace many of the barren areas.
With my next show a week away, I have been busy creating more Fae goodness. A Fae house is nearing completion and some wee little gnomes are in the works. (Pics soon to come!)
The Wedding is rapidly approaching. Two Weeks from today! Many of the details have changed and evolved over time. There was some last minute scrambling to find another photographer. The joy of finding the perfect wedding dress - that fit! And numerous cake designs to ponder over. My blog will probably be inundated with photos over the next few weeks.

And the Free Range Pumpkin which took up residence in our yard has decided to lay claim to the front stoop. I have had to trim some of the leaves so we could find the first step.

And in retaliation, the Pumpkin is now growing towards the door. The Pumpkin and I are going to have to come to some kind of agreement.....

The Bees are as busy as ever around The Pumpkin's Blossoms in the morning hours. I don't blame them a bit - the blossoms are gorgeous in the bright morning sunshine. And we are all on Baby Watch. No little round bundles of Halloween-ness can be seen just yet. But I know it won't be long before one or (hopefully) more can be found on the vines.


  1. Love those gorgeous blooms! My Rare One is growing a spaghetti squash plant this summer and it has similarly beautiful yellow flowers. All part of the same family, I guess!

  2. You do have a lot going on!! This time last year I was in high wedding mode; it was so chaotic for those weeks, then over in a flash. I think that pumpkin wants to come him now, who knows where he will go next! The devastation is terrible, but as you say, life will return. Good luck with all your tasks and endeavors and try to stay cool, calm and collected!! Hugs!!


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