
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A Carnival Wedding ~ pt. 1 ~ The Ceremony

Last week went by in a blur. It was consumed by grocery shopping, cake baking, decorations to be made, clothes to be altered, cake decorating, and lists to be double-checked. But seeing the glow on the Bride and Grooms faces on Wedding Day was oh so worth all the work, all the worry, and all the late nights. 

Wedding day started off hot and we were all bracing ourselves for a hot, sweaty afternoon at the amusement park where the ceremony and dinner were going to take place.

But the day quickly turned cloudy and by the time I left with my granddaughter (flower girl) for Lakeside Amusement Park, a heavy rain was falling. Hubby was loading every tarp we owned into his truck in case they were needed. The ceremony was planned for outside but the dinner was to be in a covered pavilion. If necessary we were going to cover the openings in the pavilion so the ceremony could take place there. But The Universe saw fit to have the sun back out and shining an hour before the ceremony. 

The Bride was gorgeous. Her colors were turquoise blue (from the 50's), carnival red, and white.

The Bridesmaids carried bouquets of real cotton candy which 'melted' slightly because of the humidity in the air. I ran out of time to make the artificial bouquets.

The Bridesmaids wore 50's style sun dresses, black with white polka dots, a turquoise sash and red tulle petticoat.

The Groom was quite dapper, the Groomsmen were dashing in their black shirts and vests with turquoise ties! According to Hubby, they looked like the local Mafia. 

The theme was Carnival. The setting was Lakeside Amusement Park in Denver, Colorado. (Read about Lakeside here!) 

It was wonderful! And incredibly, the whole affair went off without a glitch! Thankfully! Because the weeks leading up to the event were stressful. Last minute cancellation by the photographer - and scrambling to find another to fit in the budget. Frustration because of the lack of communication by the Amusement Park company. 

The Groom's Niece was the Flower Girl and the Couple's Son was the ringbearer.
The rings were tied to a Coke bottle.
But it all worked out in the end. In fact, Lakeside was wonderful! They roped off the Pavilion for our use; had the fountain in the Central Park area operating; even had men to help with the unloading and loading of all our stuff.

I'll share pictures of the reception on Thursday. So stay tuned!


  1. What a wonderful "concept" wedding! The bridal parties' outfits are all gorgeous and so era-appropriate. May the happy couple play and have fun in the amusement park of marriage forever!

  2. Fabulous! Love the bride's dress and the bridesmaids looked perfect as well. Great color theme to go with the Amusement park. What a fun, sweet way to start off their marriage. Jeanne, you outdid yourself with all your labors (of love).
    And Debra: "amusement park of marriage"? lol!!

  3. You guys nailed that wedding theme - it's perfectly 50's carnival. How sweet are those wee kiddoes? The bride and groom both looked amazing and the smiles on their faces are priceless.. I'm so glad everything came together at the end for you. Congratulations to the bride and groom and their kidlet too - may they all have many, many happy fun filled years together! xox

    And loved Debra's comment... had me giggling! :D

  4. Oh wow! What a wonderful and fun theme for a wedding! Congrats to the whole family! Love the color choices. :) Becca

  5. Whimisical and beautiful wedding!!

  6. What a FUN wedding. I love the 50's flair and the carny setting. I know you're been working long and hard with the rest of the family to pull off this wedding and you did an incredibly job, Jeanne! Congrats :)


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