
Friday, June 29, 2012

Burning Bushes ...

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Burning Trees. Burning Homes. This is what the State of Colorado is experiencing right now. Vast expanses of forests are burning and within those forests are homes (or used to be) of thousands of people.

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Please say a prayer to the Rain Gods for us. May they grace us with vast amounts of moisture to extinguish the fires and quench the thirst which the land is now experiencing.

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  1. What a terrible situation! How distressing it must be for those whose homes are lost to the flames.

  2. I have been asking for rain for Colorado and the other areas affected by the heat and terrible fires. I can't imagine the devastation.

  3. I have been thinking about you and your family. I hope you are all ok and that it rains! My heart breaks when I see the news.

  4. I'm so glad to see you and yours are ok, I've been thinking about you! Praying to momma nature to send rain and for comfort to those whose homes and loved ones have been lost.


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