
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The End is Nigh....

Or is it?
No, I'm not referring to any 'End of the World' prophesies. I'm talking about the end of this blog.

I started this blog as a place to talk about my art. It then evolved into something much more. A place to showcase Art on Sundays. A place to meet up for walks in the Woodes. A place to write about the odd and the unusual. A place to have fun.
But lately, Life has taken the fun out of me. It has drained my Soul and my Creativity. I felt that my Muse would never return to me. And truthfully, I wasn't sure that wanted my Muse to return. I was planning on ending this blog. But sometimes the Universe has other ideas. Other plans for us.  

Those plans have appeared in the form of a wedding. The wedding of my youngest son to a wonderful woman. And my soon to be Daughter-In-Law has honored me by including me in the design ideas for the Wedding Reception. AND I have been asked to make the Wedding Cake! My DIL has great faith in me. 
So the Universe would not leave me to brood. It has drug me out of the gloom which had engulfed me. And while the dark clouds still hang overhead, they are not as heavy as they once were. The Universe always has a way of restoring the balance. 

And so I am off to commune with Nature, to try and connect with the Spirits that once danced with me and my dreams, to touch the pulse of LifeSo this blog will continue - there are more tales to tell, more art to be viewed, more walks to be taken in the WildWoods. 


  1. Please keep blogging. I love the art you post. And of course, I love your kitties! I still laugh about the video you posted a long time ago about the single woman with the cat ranning off all her dates!

  2. I'm so glad you changed your mind. I have done these kinds of things over the years and usually regretted it - because we and the world are constantly changing, so we should hold onto what we love, even if we have to modify or adjust it a bit.

  3. I'm sorry it's been so difficult for you lately. I sometimes feel that way, too. I am glad you are continuing to blog and finding your Muses. This is always a nice place to visit!

    Huggles! ~ZAN

  4. I really enjoy your blog and I am happy you have decided to blog on! I have felt that way since I do not have a computer at home. I am glad you can reconnect with your muse! A huge congrats to your son & whole family. Weddings are wonderful new beginnings! :) Becca

  5. Dark clouds suck. I hope that planning some wedding magic will revive your spirit and the song in your soul! Just one word of advice. Don't let Gomez help with the cake.

  6. I sure hope you take a break and come back refreshed. We'd hate to lose such a wonderful blogger. HUGS to you, Jeanne!

  7. Girl I so understand but I am so glad you are not stopping the blog as I love to read your blog and keep in touch that way. I am glad that a sprinkling of sunshine has sparkled it's way through the dark clouds. You have had a lot of change over this last year girl and it makes since that readjusting has created some of this. You are at a crossroads but we ask that you keep blogging as we love your blog.

  8. Congrats on the new family member. I'm sure you will do a fantastic job with all of your contributions. Your creativity will e a great blessing to them. I understand about losing the "umph" in life, it seems to come and go and be a seasonal thing for me. But I am glad you are looking to continue, I enjoy seeing your perspective on things and you find some amazing things to share.

  9. There always seems to be ups and downs in the blogging world. Real life happens and often times ya just don't feel like writing or sharing. Please, though don't end your blog. Love you so much, love all your musings, photos, stories, travel tales, your cats....would be such a void. Take breaks, but please not a permanent one. We love you!!!

  10. Jeanne, know and honor thyself, right? I think if we all didn't take a blog break, more blogs would cease to exist. You have so much going on that it's completely understandable you're a little burmed out and need to reflll the cauldron before you come back up. I was worried at first that you wouldn't be blogging anymore so am so glad that you'll hang in there taking care of yourself and your family and of course your furbabies as needed.

  11. There's nothing like some love to help sweep away dark clouds. I'm glad you're keeping the blog, I'd miss you, your stories, your great art finds and Gomez too! Take care of yourself and enjoy the wedding preparations! *hugs*

  12. I'm glad to hear that the upcoming wedding has cheered you up! Please keep blogging. I look forward to seeing the unique art you find, and I usually end up passing it along to family and friends. That and I just enjoy your blogging voice. :)

  13. Oh my gosh! We'd miss you if you weren't here Jeanne! It's the shorter days, the "shift" in the energy of the Universe that is effecting us all in one way or another. It also seems that so many folks have migrated over to "the social network", leaving our blogging neighborhood a bit quiet and lonely sometimes... but I believe that they'll return to our beloved blogs again and help bring extra cheer. Please know that we're all here and looking forward to more of your wonderful posts in the future, when you're ready! Have fun with the wedding planning! ~ Deb

  14. Congratulations on the wedding!! I'm so sorry to read about your blues. It seems like the last couple of years have been really challenging for so many of us. I'm glad you've decided to continue blogging. Your blog is a bright spot. good luck with the planning!!


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