
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Grandma's a Grinch!

Yes. I have to admit that I have been a bit of a Grinch lately. 

I wasn't going to decorate or do any sort of celebrating of the Season. It's been so hard to get into the spirit of anything when the paychecks are stretched thin and the future looks bleak. It's been an extremely rough year, filled with more than its share of bad news. While the future does appear to be a bit brighter for Hubby and I, my Daughter and her kids are still facing a long road ahead and my Sister is now among the ranks of the unemployed (please send some positive energy her way for a job to show up soon ~ Thank you!)

I find this time of year a bit gloomy anyway. I blame the gloom on too many unhappy memories from years past, the encroaching darkness as the Solstice approaches, and the commercialism that becomes worse with each passing year. But my Boys reminded me that the Season isn't about store-bought items, but about Love. And Family. 

So, out came the boxes and bags and up went the tree and an assortment of other festive items. And the house is now looking a bit more like the Holidays.

I decorated the tree in pine-cones that I had crocheted a few years back and snowflakes and icicles that I made from clear beads. Very child and pet friendly. So no worries about the Grands or Critters breaking any of my antique glass ornaments.

This weekend I shall begin my Holiday baking and I am making plans to celebrate Solstice with my Daughter and her kids. 
And once more Light shall return.

Please remember those who are not as fortunate this Season. And yes, it is okay to not be happy and "full of good cheer" at this time of year.
Debra of the blog, She Who Seeks, has written a very good post about a Blue Christmas. Click here!


  1. Fantastic decorating! I can't believe how much your house looks like mine. The dining room is set up the same. (and we have the same chairs!! )

  2. Your tree is lovely! May 2012 be a much better year for everyone.

  3. Christmas and I have a fairly terse relationship too. Whether I feel jolly or depressed during this time can sometimes be a daily coin toss, it all depends on so many factors too.

    Your house and tree, however, look beautiful! I'm glad you pulled out the boxes and decorated, I'm coveting your crochet pine cones. Too cute! May your sister find a job as quick as can be and your 2012 be filled with blessings for all of your family.

  4. Aine ~ What a coincidence! Great minds must decorate alike! LOL :0)

    Debra ~ Thank you for the well wishes! ♥

    Danni ~ I take comfort in the fact that I am not the only one who struggles with "Be Jolly" thing. Though I wouldn't wish it upon anyone! And Thank You for the Well Wishes! ♥

  5. Your house looks really pretty decorated for the holidays! I think one of the main reasons that people decorate for Christmas is that it adds some cheer during the dark, cold days of winter. Decorating and baking are sure to help lift your spirits. Watching some funny Christmas movies and listening to upbeat music can help too.

    There are a lot of people who feel gloomy around the holidays. I think it's actually pretty normal. Some people are sad because their families aren't what they'd like them to be, and others are sad that their families are gone. At least you still have a loving family around! Try to concentrate on the friends and family you have around you now, and be grateful for them. I will send some positive thoughts your way. :)

  6. What lovely decorations! I feel ya on the Grinch, me and Christmas have never gotten along, and usually I try to hide my head ostrich style until the New Year.

  7. Lovely decorating & I appreciate the pet-safe tree! We haven't put one up for 3 years now due to very curious kitties.

    Will you be going to Drumming Up the Sun at Red Rocks for Solstice? (I'm a Denver-area witch as well) Always an uplifting celebration, which we need during these tough times...


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