
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Witch's Circle ~ An Intro

Yesterday I wrote about a blogging friend, Aine at The Deepest Well, and how she has started some discussions on Witches and Magick. Many fellow Bloggers have used these topics as blog prompts for posts of their own. And now I am (finally) writing my own post about my journey.

I am a Witch. I have always been a Witch, though it took many, many years for me to realize it. I did not grow up with organized religion being a part of the household. (Though my Mother did send me to summer Bible School.) Gods of any sort were just something I read about in books but I wouldn't have considered myself an Atheist. I did believe that there was a Greater Being. My beliefs in deities, spirits, and the like were (and still are) greatly influenced by the Native Americans of the American Southwest where I grew up. I devoured any and all books I could find about Native American religions.
I spent a lot of time outside while growing up. I learned about plants and herbs while helping my Mother in her various gardens. I was happiest when I was able to commune with Nature. The Spirits of the Trees, Flowers, and a plethora of other plants thrived under my Mother's hand and I am fortunate to have inherited her abilities.
I was in my late 20s when I ran across a book on Magic. This led me to books on Wicca. But Wicca did not resonate with me - it was too organized, too elaborate.  I felt most comfortable in a solitary practice close to Nature. I would be considered a Green Witch, but not of the Wiccan persuasion. The Great Outdoors is my temple. I observe the changing of the Moon along with the changing of the seasons where I reside rather than set Sabbats on the calendar. I believe that every living thing has a spirit which can aid in spellwork. The Elements and the various forms of Weather can also give their assistance. I utilize spells on a regular basis. I try to incorporate herbs, colors, candles, minerals or crystals in my spellwork. And yes, I will perform binding spells when necessary. I will not intentionally cause anyone harm, but I will protect those who are near and dear to me.
Since the weeks leading up to Yule and the Return of Light are typically a time of introspection, I feel that this is a good time to use Aine's posts as blog prompts and write of my own experiences and beliefs. I hope you'll stay tuned......


  1. I'm glad to read of your spiritual journey and path. Your green spirituality/witchiness reminds me of a quotation I read once -- "The whole of Nature is our Sacred Text."

    But if Gomez is your familiar -- hoo, boy! Watch out, world!

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this! I am going to start the new topic to discuss what others think the difference between Wicca and Witchcraft is. I'm sure we'll have several takes on that! I hope you'll join in.

    hahahah re: Gomez. I love that cat, but when it comes to being a partner in magic....oh, the possibilities!

  3. Well said! I often feel that nature is the only real Being that we can deal with. It's certainly enough to keep me busy!

  4. Enjoyed reading about your journey...we're all different, yet all similar...

  5. I'm glad you're sharing a bit about your path, Jeanne! I ad a very similar upbringing and introduction to things, though I was led through Greek mythology to magic, Wicca and eventually Green Witchcraft.

    I had to laugh at the Gomez comments though, I can't even begin to imagine the trouble you two could get into!


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