
Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Life has been a bit complicated, stressful, and hectic of late and I am long overdue in saying THANK YOU and recognizing some wonderfully generous folks.

First, I would like to THANK Angelwick and Punky of New York City Dreaming for the most adorable Pumpkin Suncatcher!!! Their thoughtfulness and generosity certainly brightened my Halloween!

And next I would like to THANK Rue of Rue and Hyssop for the book Spirit of the Witch by Raven Grimassi. I won this book in a giveaway she hosted. I'm looking forward to delving into this book.

So, if you are out and about in the blogosphere, do stop by and tell these lovely folks "HI".  Their blogs are fun and interesting. And a new friend you just might make!

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