
Monday, November 28, 2011

Life As You Know It....

Will never be the same. If someone had told me this back in May, I never would have believed them. At least not entirely. I knew things in my Life were transitioning - Hubby & I moving back to Colorado and Hubby getting a new job - but I had no idea as to the extent of those transitions!

At the end of May, my Son-in-law was arrested and taken back to Colorado to stand trial. This left my Daughter, 4 month's pregnant at the time, to cope with her Husband's arrest along with relocating herself and their 3 small children to Colorado. Fortunately,  enough Family members came forward to help her with the move. And Thanks to the generosity of her older Brother - my Oldest Son - and his Wife, my Daughter and her kids have a safe, warm place to live (Daughter and kids moved in with Oldest Son and his kids). To quote my son, "Ah Mom, That's what Family does for each other. Helps each other out in time of need."

Life hasn't always been easy for the combined two housholds - 3 adults and 6 children in a small house. But they have managed.  And I know that they will all be a closer-knit family because of this 'togetherness' - eventually. And Life has been an adjustment for Hubby and me (and all the critters!) as well. We went from having a huge house all to ourselves to a small house filled with small children - especially right after Baby Liam was born when the Clanlets (3 grandchildren), Mom (Daughter) and Baby Liam temporarily moved into Transition House (the name I have given our home here in Denver) so I could help with the care of the Clanlets.  Liam is now a month old and Daughter and the Clanlets have moved back to Older Brother's place.

But wait! There's more..... I am now Hubby-less for most of the week, only seeing Hubby on the weekends. Hubby came back to Colorado in July hoping to get a job in the computer field, only to find out that the jobs he was qualified for did not pay all that much. So he went back to seeking employment in the auto-body industry. He found a job quickly, but it was not to last. Hubby didn't agree with some of the  "work practices" of his employer, so he left. He searched for over a month, constantly perusing the help wanted ads. Finally, a job appeared on the horizon, thanks to my Oldest Son (who is also in the auto-body industry). The only catch was, the job wasn't in the greater Denver metro area - it was in a small-ish mountain town located in the heart of Ski Country (approx. 1 1/2 hrs away). Hubby took the job. The company Hubby now works for is a great company and he enjoys the people he works with. He is provided a small bachelor pad over one of the shops to stay in during the week. So now Hubby leaves on Monday morning and I don't see him again until Friday night (unless we Skype...).

My, how Life can change in the blink of an eye.....

I am writing of these changes today because they have impacted me (and others) in many ways. And I plan on blogging about some of these impacts in the coming posts. And yes, the Sunday Art feature on this blog will continue, beginning December 4th!


  1. WOW... talk about changes! I also am on a roller coaster ride of change with no end in sight. I wish you well in all you encounter in the weeks to come....

  2. Holy Moly, you have all been through a lot!! I hope all negative circumstances will work out! As a Navy wife, I spent many a long month after of month after month of separations from my hubby. It is difficult at times, but somehow we got through it. I know you will be fine as well, especially surrounded by family. Good luck with everything! You are in my thoughts!! Hugs! Robin.

  3. Good thing you're such a strong woman to handle all this change! With Gomez's help, of course.

  4. Whoa Nelly! You are a brave and caring person Jean, and resilient! I am exhausted just reading about everything you've gone through! Keep up the good work and hold your head up--you are doing the best in these crazy circumstances!! HUGS!!

  5. Isn't it ironic that just when it seems life should be calmer and fall into some semblance of rhythm and "normalacy" it becomes even more challenging? It seems many of us have struggles, all different of course, but somehow the same at least in their intensity. Perhaps we can take some comfort from one another! It sounds like you're blessed with great kids and strong family bonds. You will get through, and be all the stronger for it! Actually it sounds like you're on the way already. Take care and enjoy the good stuff along the way!

  6. Wow Jeanne that is a whole lot in a rather short time! I really love how your family supports each other! I am sure that all these trasitions are not easy. It is wonderful you have each other.

  7. I admire how you are handling all these events and staying positive! That is a lot to happen at once. That's great that your husband found a good job, although it would be even better if you could see more of him! Good luck with everything, and I'll send some positive thoughts your way. :)

    P.S. ~ Happy belated Thanksgiving! That was a lovely poem in your last post.


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