
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A Hiatus

My time is not my own daughter, Jennifer, and her three kids have temporarily moved in with us while Jen recuperates from having little Liam. In addition to being chief cook and bottle washer, I am now also chauffeur, activity director and referee. I shall return when I can.


  1. Hey Jeanne! No worries, and congrats on the new baby in the family! We will be here waiting. You deserve to take time for your family and yourself.

    Many blessings!
    Zan :)

  2. Hey...enjoy that hiatus because you are doing the most important thing anyway! We'll all still be haunting the blog o-sphere when you are able to return! We all need a break from time to time when real life demands our attention! :o) Hugs!

  3. Enjoy your time with your family and don't give the hiatus even a bit of worry!

  4. The time will certainly fly by with all your tasks. And you are a wonderfully creative Grandmother. Sending healing thoughts to your daughter, and all the best to the whole family. We will keep a light on for you! Hugs!! Love, Robin.

  5. Stopping by to say hello, been on a hiatus of sorts too.


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