
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Pumpkin Fields

This past weekend, my daughter, her kids and I went to choose some very lucky pumpkins to come home with us and be part of our Halloween celebrations. We went to a large farm not far from my house, Rock Creek Farm. There are over 100 acres of pumpkins which are grown here. 

I swear, when we drove up, I thought  I had gone to Pumpkin Heaven!! The fields were orange with the pumpkins that were waiting to be chosen! Next year I'm going back earlier in the season so I can partake of all the orange pumpkiny goodness!

It was oh, so hard to choose which ones to take home, all the pumpkins were gorgeous. But finally after traversing many fields, we were able to find some lucky gourds.

If ever there was a sincere pumpkin patch for The Great Pumpkin to rise out of, this is it!


  1. Nice pumpkins. I want to see them carved.

  2. I have to settle for my fake ones this year. All the pumpkins in our area rotted early from all the moisture. *sigh*

    These are all beautiful!


  3. Oh man....loving the pumpkin patch photos. I can NEVER get enough pumpkin them! How fun!


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