
Friday, October 21, 2011

Candy Corn Kisses

I am a HUGE fan of Candy Corn
I mean what's not to LOVE about this delectable goodie?
And while cruzing the interwebs, looking for Candy Corn, I ran across these ~
Hershey's Candy Corn Kisses!

It seems that the Hershey Company put these out a few years back.
But alas, they are not to be had now....


  1. I remember when these came out! Maybe the Candy Corn makers sued Hershey for copyright infringement? The shape and colors were too much like a real candy corn perhaps. I do wish that I liked Candy Corn...I really do! Because it just seems that all Halloween Heads should love the poster child of Halloween candy. But I just can't do it, and I harbor some guilt over that...ha! I think that's why I wrote the Ode to Candy Corn poem last try and make it up to the Candy Corn!

    I did have to make brownies for my the coaches and officials at my daughter's volleyball tournament today....and I did top each and every one of them with a candy corn just to impart a little Halloween magic into the place. Maybe that will act as a form of atonement?! ;o)


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