
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Don't Touch That Dial!

I'm turning in my modem and shutting off my internet service today (shudder!!) I may go through withdrawals! LOL Just joking!!
I have put The Candy Corn Chronicles on autopilot while I am transitioning. So y'all be good and play nice! I'll catch up with everyone once I'm more or less settled (probably less).
See you soon!


  1. I've been thinking lately of having a "tech free diet" twice a month where I will not turn on my computer. I'm debating whether texting/phone/t.v. will be included.

  2. Good Luck with your diet! :0)
    I suppose if one were to go "Tech Free" then all techy devices - tv, radio, phones - would be considered taboo. Let us know how it goes....

  3. Good luck with the move! I hope all goes well and smoothly.

  4. See you soon! Hope Gomez and his pals do well with the move. Hugs to you!!

  5. Good luck with the move. I hop to see you back soon.
    Have a magical day.

  6. Jeanne...hope everything will go smoothly with your move!!

  7. Is that a walking stick in the picture? Good luck with your blogging break! I'll miss your updates, especially the art ones.

  8. Good luck! We'll catch ya later!


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