
Monday, August 15, 2011

Cat Tales ~ The Winners Are....

First, Me would like to Thank every one of you lovely Felines who entered Mes GiVeAwAy!
And Thank You for reading Mes posts every Monday. 

Mommy wrote all the names on pieces of paper and put them in a bowl so Me could choose two. 
It seems that everyone in the house wanted to get in on the act of name drawing, but Me finally got the names pulled.

And now without further ado, Me will announce the winners!

Maggie who belongs to Tigger and Pepper 
Wendy who belongs to Miss Bella and Sele

If you lovely Kitties would email Mes Mommy with your address, Mommy will get your books &  goodies mailed out to you.


  1. Oh those lucky Mamas and Kits!! William sends a Meow you way!!
    Hugs, Sarah

  2. Myself, Tigger and Pepper thank you!! We can't hardly wait to get the post!!

    Tapaidh leat!!

  3. Congratulations to the winners !!!

  4. We is SO happy we won, we're doing a special kitty dance which is making our mom smile. Gomez, you're da best! Thank you SO much and we wish we could hug you wif our paws and we're sending lots of purrs.

    Miss Bella and Sele

  5. Such clever kitties!


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