
Monday, August 1, 2011

Cat Tales ~ A Giveaway!!!

Hello Everyone! Gomez here. Mommy is letting me host a GiVeAwAy!!!  

Me is giving away the book, "The Enchanted Cat - Feline Fascinations, Spells & Magick" by Ellen Dugan AND Me is including some of Mes Catnip and a Quartz Crystal that came from right here in Arkansas. 
And I am giving away not one but TWO books! Each complete with Catnip and Crystal!
So there will be TWO Winners!
So, all you sweet little Kitties have to do is have your Human leave a comment on this blog post and I will announce the winners' names in two weeks (August 15) on my Monday post. 
Good Luck to everyone!
**This Giveaway is open to ALL Kitties in the USA and Canada!**


  1. As Hal - the official graveyard cat for the Davis Graveyard....I want this!

    Wait! I was channeling my cat for a moment....actually I have three cats with a cold in my house, and this book could only make them (and their owner) feel better. :D

    Thanks for the giveaway....looks fantastic.

  2. My kitteh Poundcake and I look forward to curling up together and reading interesting books such as this one. And one of us looks forward to rolling in catnip! Please enter us in your generous giveaway.

  3. What a wonderful giveaway. Thanks! :)

  4. Gomez, I'm not entering your generous give-away because I already have my own wonderful copy (well, it is my kitties book. .they let me borrow it once in a while, when they think that it will benefit them in some way), but I wanted to chime in to say what a enjoyable book it is, and how sweet you are to offer it, along with some of your treasured catnip stash, AND a crystal! What a generous boy, you are!!

    And. .I couldn't help but notice. .did you pose for the cover? Do your give-away copies come with a personalized pawprint autograph?

  5. Look at that sweet kitty!! What a darling giveaway!

    Happy Monday!

  6. I was gonna pop on by and say hello anyway..but whoot a kitty giveaway...whoot!!
    We have a new kitten...his name is William...he would like to say hello and add our name to the hat! Oh what fun is this...I love it!!!
    Meows to you Gomez...
    Hugs from Wills and Sarah :)

  7. Oh, me's so sad, mom says kitties in The Netherlands can not plays with you in the give away.
    Me wants to say hi to Gomez though.
    A cute little paw from Pixie, who really loves catnip an her mom really loves Ellen Dugan.

  8. Well, I don't have a kittie at the moment, but plan on having another one possibly two take over the house at some point. I love Ellen Dugan's books as well, so this would be a great addition to my library. Gomez, please thank your mama for letting you host a giveaway!

  9. Now that it's August, I decided it's time to check out all the Halloween websites I found last year. Glad to see you're still going strong!
    The book looks very nice, too.

  10. Our mommy says she would very much like to curl up with this book and us. She'll even let us get into the catnip first! Please put our names in the big bag o' catnip mice for the giveaway. Purrs and Paws, Molly and Chico.

  11. Hi Gomez!
    This is tyhe last day of my blogoversay and me has gived away quite a few prizes, but that does not mean me don't want to win some! Can yous please enter me in the draw?
    And Concatulations on moving to Denver>

  12. Would lo-o-ove to win... please enter me in the drawing!!

  13. This human would love to add this book to our library! Tigger and Pepper are thrilled at the thought of cat nip. (Beyond thrilled, actually)

  14. O's wow, Gomez...We's want this giveaway so badly we're willing to travel to see you~ Our mommy told us to be extra nice and polite and told us to thank you and your mommy SO much for having this giveaway and whomever wins this is a very lucky purrrson or kitty!

    Miss Bella and Sele

  15. I would love to enter your drawing and would feel so lucky to win too!! You are one handsome cat Gomez!!

  16. I think I put my name on this post in the Hive, but I'll cover my bases and leave one here as well :o). This book sounds wonderful and my 2 boys would ever so much love to try some American catnip and the crystal would look lovely in my collection :o)

    Thanks for having such a generous giveaway!

  17. Thank you Gomez!! I love Ellen Dugan books please enter me! My kitty Theeya is waving Hi!! :)

  18. The newest additions to our clan are mewing with anticipation of a book reading session. Got their hopes up high.


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