
Friday, July 1, 2011

Day #182

July 1st. 
Calendar day #182. 
We are roughly half way through the year. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
So much happened in the first half of the year that I'm almost afraid to see what happens in the last half....
But, I guess I should catch you up on things.....

  • My DIL, Crystal, who broke her collar bone in April had to have a plate put in to correct the fracture but has recovered quite well. She is a mother of two and is going to school to become a licensed personal trainer and will graduate in August. She never let the break or the subsequent surgery slow her down!
  • My youngest son, Jeremy, proposed to his sweetie, Tracy, and there is a wedding planned for sometime next summer. (We already consider Tracy our DIL ) Tracy has also ask us to "Haunt Their Yard" this coming Halloween. She will be hosting the October monthly LUPEC meeting and wants to give the gals a 'scare'. Should be fun. All our Halloween stuff is in boxes and labeled and it will be the last items moved. Can't have the Halloween stuff getting lost in the shuffle! The Ghoulies would be most upset!

  • Hubby is still on the job hunt. Every day he faithfully combs numerous job sites on the web and has become quite proficient at writing a cover letter. We remain ever hopeful that he'll get a call for an interview. Hubby will be heading out to Denver soon. He'll leave with the truck and trailer loaded with various items from our household. (Can't go empty-handed!) He'll continue the 'job hunt' and subsequent 'job acquisition' there while I continue to ride herd on the dust bunnies here at home. (really seems like they reproduce over night!) I'm afraid, if left unsupervised, the herd'll become so large that it would frighten away prospective buyers!
  • The house is finally on the market. The Realtor told us how nice the house looked and that all our work really made it look sharp. He was optimistic that it would sell in a few months.  (Our Realtor is a friend so I don't think he was feeding us any BS) So if you or anyone you know is in the market for a really nice 3 bedroom~2 1/2 bath home with lots of character, let me know!!!

  • A ghost from the past has arisen and come back to haunt my SIL. Because of the possibility of a long term exorcism, my daughter Jenny and family have moved back to Colorado. I admire her immensely for her inner strength. She tackled packing up her household while 5 mon. pregnant and with three small children running around. And I am ever so thankful for her brothers (both real, step and in-law) who helped move and unpack them in their new home. I will be heading out to Colorado to be with the rest of my family no later than the end of September - whether the house sells or not. (But I know it will!) Jenny will be needing help when the October baby comes!
  • And now that I have a bit more free time, you'll be hearing more from me. I have accumulated way too many book marks about things I want to share with you! (Thanks in part to my dear Hubby and my wonderful Sister!) And I hope to get back into creating as well. 


  1. Thank you for the update on your adventure. Keep the faith, my friend. We are on similar paths right now. The only advice I can give is take it a day at a time. Don't look for sky opening miracles,but don't miss the smaller karmic breaks. They add up.

  2. Thank you Aine for the encouraging words. :0) One day at a time...Trying real hard to do just that!

  3. Best of luck to everyone about everything! Transitional times are hard but they lead to better things.

  4. So good to have an update from you. Sounds like so much going on in the family. But it also sounds like you are all strong and tackling things in short order. I know your house will sell easily and quickly. And, I don't know if you checked your email, but check out my won a book in my giveaway...I know, one more thing to pack!! Sending love and hugs and positive thoughts for your hubby's job search, and all the family happenings!!!

  5. Sending lots of positivity your way. Believe in what you want and will it to happen! The important thing I noticed is that you have a really good support system in place with a caring family and that alone is a blessing! Looking forward to more posts. Also, is that a moth at the bottom? How very pretty and bizarre looking.

  6. Debra, Robin, and Wendy ~ Thank you all for the words of encouragement and positive thoughts! Change and transition can be tough but I know that there are better times ahead! Just have to remember to take deep breathes from time to time. And say a blessing of Thanks that we do have a supportive family. And so very many supportive friends like all of you! ♥


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