
Monday, July 11, 2011

Cat Tales ~ Fur Season...

Is OFFICIALLY underway!

Mommy mutters a lot under her breath about the dratted Dust Bunny herd. Me's a little confused cause Me don't see no Bunnies dusting in the house....

Purz and Catnip Dreams ... Gomez


  1. lol.. I feel your pain.. long-haired cat AND a long-haired dog here.

  2. Is that from cottonwood trees or something?

  3. Oh my God! And I thought I had animal hair issues! LOL You know, there are people out there that would take your animals hair, clean it, and then spin it into yarn and make a blanket! LOL Hey, it's a thought!

  4. that a cat...or a tree...OMgoodness!!! I hope it is a tree!!! We have one down the street and the whole area is covered in down each year!!
    Hugs, Sarah

  5. That is just a wee bit of fur from those hairy ol' doggies that lives here! You should see the amount of fur that Mommy DIDN'T get in the picture!

  6. No way! That's seriously fur from your pets? You must have one clogged up vacuum. :)

  7. Mommy uses a small shop vacuum to clean the floors - there's no carpet in the house, only area rugs. But Mommy uses a regular vacuum on the couple area rugs she leaves on the floors throughout the year. (She puts down more rugs in the winter time) And she brushes, brushes, brushes everyone (3 dogs & 6 cats) every day.

  8. I can relate. I have to comb and brush our kitties every day, and shedded hair is still taking over the house, like a huge monster!

    When I had a Golden, I used to comb out her downy undercoat outside, and the barn swallows would swoop down and pick up clumps as they rolled across the grass, to use in their mud nests. When I would watch the babies grow in those little nests up under our porch roof, I always thought that it was neat that they had Samantha's nice soft hair to keep them warm.

    The birds probably swoop up the dog hair from your yard too! It is too good to pass up!

  9. Suzie, The birds and the skirrels love the hair from Our yard. Me's sure there are some very warm cozy nests up in those trees!

  10. We shed a LOT too and mommy uses one of those
    lint-y dealies every day up to 3 x because it gets in her nose, hmmmpff! She should be honored that we shed our hair because we don't sneeze from it...

  11. Wendy the (Very) Good Witch ~ Gomez here. There's 6 cats and 3 dogs in our household. And yes, Me has to share Mommy's lap from time to time with some of the other critters here.


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