
Monday, June 13, 2011

Cat Tales ~ Me's holding down the fort!

Mommy said Me could go ahead and blog while she is otherwise occupied. And Me had so many things Me wanted to write about - the rising price of Catnip, inadequacies of clay litter, and sun puddle sleeping vs. shade puddle sleeping. But then Me got a brain cramp and couldn't put Me meows to computer. Daddy said it was the STK interface. (Seat To Keyboard interface) Daddy said that Mommy has that problem a lot. Daddy better not say that where Mommy can hear......
So today Me thought Me would just share some cute photos of Me.

Purz and Catnip Dreams... Gomez


  1. Oh Gomez you always look sweet and we agree with you that catnip prices are way too pricy, but our mom knows, no catnip, no snuggles...let's all of us kitties band together..

  2. Ah Gomez, you never fail to make me chuckle :) Hope you're being a good pussy cat for Mommy!


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