
Monday, April 11, 2011

Cat Tales ~ Fantum

Me wants you to meet mes older sister, Fantum.  She's a Foundling just like me. Mommy calls the Kitties that show up at our house Foundlings.

Fantum is a long-haired tortoise shell. Which means she's ornery. She likes to stalk Daddy.

Fantum got her name because half of her face is gold and the other half is dark. Daddy thought she looked like the Phantum of the Opera.

When Fantum was younger, she would play hide-n-seek with Mommy when Mommy worked in the garden. Fantum would hide behind plants and then jump out when Mommy walked by. And of course, Mommy would squeal which would make Fantum happy.


  1. Keep Fantum away from chandeliers. Oh, and huge pipe organs too.

  2. I had a cat who looked just like fantum - and she was ornery too. Quite anit-social with the other cats. Strange how cats who look the same have such similar traits.

  3. Someone just dropped of a calico like her here! So she must be a drop-ling....? And she looks fat...hmmmm...kittens?

  4. Gomez, are you sure that Fantum isn't ornery just to you? She's awfully pretty, well, maybe to you the "awfully" part is true...Maybe she needs some catnip to make her purr more...

    Miss Bella and Sele

  5. Debra, Me shall pass on the advice to Mommy.

    Aine, Fantum is a bit anti-social with the other Kitties. But she plays with me!

    Lynda, A drop-ling...Funny! Did you name her?

    Miss Bella and Sele, Fantum is ornery to Daddy. She stalks him. Then pesters him when he tries to do things. Daddy still loves her though. Mommy carries her around on her shoulder like she was a baby. That's Fantum's favorite way to be carried.

  6. I have to say that Fantum is quite the beauty with the purrfect name for her looks. Gomez you are lucky to have such a sister, even if she is a little ornery. Wouldn't life be boring if there wasn't a bit of nip in a cat?

  7. Fantum is a beauty. She looks very much like a tortie we had years ago. Her name was Spazzy Dimples. She was the most happy go lucky rescue we ever had. I hope Fantum brings as much joy to the humans as Ms. Spaz did for us. The Olde Bagg

  8. *giggles*
    Gomez, be nice to Fantum... she looks like she will kick your fannie if you mess with her! :)
    (what a cutie!)

  9. Robin, Did Me hear you say catnip??

    Linda, Fantum is happy go lucky and Mommy & Daddy love her. She can get away with more than everyone else. Except ME!

    Misty Boston, Me's ALWAYS nice. {snicker} Mostly. {snicker} And she has kicked my fannie a time or two.

  10. That picture of her in the pot made me laugh out loud. She's gorgeous!

  11. Random blog haunting. Lovely kitty by the way.

  12. Fantum has a regal air about her.I like the term "foundling" and will hereafter apply it to my feral acquisitions : my household clowder currently has eight felines(lost two last year).

  13. She's beautiful Jeanne, so unusual. Finally I am about to post something about Aurelia, my crazy cat, have been meaning to do it for keep an eye out!

  14. She is beautiful! My sister had a cat like that for years that she lost late last year- she misses that cat so much. She used to say she was sure the cat turned into human form long enough to knock on the front door and get her attention to feed her!

  15. Beautiful kitty, love that face!


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