
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Trees from a Magickal Forest

By now, you probably know of my L♥VE for Trees.  As well as any and all things Tree related. 
I ran across this website while surfing in the wee morning hours and had to share with you! 
This couple shape living trees into furniture and sculptures. Their garden must be most Magickal!


  1. Jeanne, thanks for sharing this wonderful website. I was trying to find what kind of trees they are using, do you know? Robin.

  2. wow some people are so "outside" of the box when creating! Thats amazing!

  3. Robin, I don't know what kind of trees they are using. But I do know that fruit trees are easy to train to grow into certain shapes. And fruit trees will grow more quickly than some others.

  4. Must be very, very fast growing trees to make this kind of art viable.

  5. I would think that a Crape Myrtle tree would do this quite nicely. They grow quickly and are easy to train to different shapes and they recover very very quickly from pruning (which is why people commit Crape Murder gah! Terrible method of trimming the poor things) I guess if you messed up with a Crape Myrtle you could just chop it off and next year it would be as good as new....

  6. Wow, what a beautiful and effective way of putting furniture in your yard! No need to eliminate any trees, in fact you get to plant more, and still have a place to just sit out.

  7. Fascinating, but I hope the trees were happy with it.

  8. I was thinking the same thing as JJ when I looked at that last pic. The tree might not like my ample bottom sitting on it - lol!

  9. Wow, these are incredible! How cool would they be in your own yard!

  10. JJ ~ You make a very good point! One can only guess if the trees were spoken to about what was going to happen.....


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