
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

* S* N * O * W

Someone must've been listening when I said I missed the snow. Big, thick, lovely snowflakes started falling on Sunday and continued for several hours. Blanketing everything with a thick layer of fluffiness.

The Puppies were enjoying every moment of it. It's not too often that they get to romp in their element!

The Kitties spent most of the day huddled in front of their TV (birdfeeder).

But Valentino had to go out into the snow to see .....

I went out and enjoyed the sight, smell, and sound of Winter.


  1. I adore Alaskan Malamutes! I have had 2 and the first one was a really special dog. Miss them terribly but we have moved to smaller less furry critters! Seems everyone is getting snow including all my friends who moved south to escape it!

  2. wonderful photos of your puppies loving the snow!! lol the kitties and their tv. You have taken beautiful photos of the snow! thanks! Valentino is so large and gorgeous!

  3. What a fairy land! I loved seeing the pictures of the babies romping and playing in the snow! I want to come over and play. Beautiful photos! The most weather we get here in So. Cal is "rain" IF we're lucky. I think I need to move somewhere where we get real weather. Beautiful photos, Jeanne >^..^<

  4. Oh how fun. :( No snow here. Are those huskies? We had a husky when I was a little girl. Teak had a blue eye and a brown eye. Looks like you enjoyed the snowy day and so did the dogs. Our cat Toby likes to go out in the snow. But he would shake his feet as he didn't like them getting wet.

  5. How nice to go out and become one with the season at hand! Your thoughts are careful what you wish for..ha! The snow is just beautiful, as is Valentino. What a beautiful kitty! All the pets look so content in their winter wonderland! Enjoy!

  6. very pretty i would love huskies, omg we are supposed to get more snow tomorrow ugh, it's pretty to look at a pain to shovel.
    blessed be

  7. Wow, those are great pictures!! I hear you on the "cat TV" part....our fuzzy friends have the same channel :D

    Stay warm!


  8. I'm afraid snow and I don't really get on, which is a shame because I'm dotty about dogs and dogs are dotty about snow. We had a hell of a lot of it through November and December last year. And I lived in a house once where a blizzard dumped snow drifts to a depth of two feet in both lofts. Getting it out was a horrible job. It put me off the white stuff a bit.

  9. Snow is hitting here, too! Tomorrow! This is becoming quite the Winter (aka: Snowpocalypse). Love the furry ones--Valentino is quite handsome :)

    HUGGLES! Zan

  10. The snow is so pretty to look at! But I have to say, I sure don't miss living in it.

    I love all your animals!

  11. Great photos! Your doggies look like they are having a ball!


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