
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

RING! RING! Is this the Exorcist?

Hubby and I recently were having dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant. It was a slow night and not many people were there.  Across the room from us were a dozen men.  It became evident by their discussion that they were all members of a church prayer/study group. (Church groups can often be found meeting at the local restaurants.)

About half-way through dinner, another couple was seated at the table next to us.  Not long after being seated, the couple's cell phone rang.  Quite loudly I might add.  The ring was the theme to the EXORCIST.

The significance was lost on those in the room.......


  1. Buy the couple with the cell phone a margarita!

  2. I don't think I'd eat in that restaurant again, Jeanne!

  3. funny i would have had an issue not laughing really loudly. nice one thanks for sharing gave me a few giggles this morning

  4. Was there a young priest for every old priest present?

    If you guys didn't burst out laughing, I a have to applaud your self control. I would have had to leave my table due to a fit of the giggles. :)

  5. I forgot to add that the ring tone my son has when I call him is from the exorcist, or is it Friday the 13th? My son loves me very much. He does, he really does!

  6. Alas the significance would have been lost on me too, because I'm a big ol' chicken and can't watch anything in which the actor's head is spinning.
    But I love the concept of it: church guys vs. music depicting demonds. Yup. Works for me.

  7. Mr. Macabre ~ We would've gladly bought the couple a margarita, but alas! we live in a dry county.

    Danni, not real sure about old to young ratio. I forgot to check.....

    Sandra, you got it!!! The idea of music from a 'demon' movie with a lot of church guys present was truly a priceless moment! :0)

  8. LOL!!! I'm spitting pea soup and you're dining to the tune of the theme from The Exorcist! A lovely day was had by all. *grin*

    by the way - I see you have 3 malamutes... we have one (as of right now hehehe) wonderful siberian husky. LOVE THESE DOGS!!

  9. LOL!! That is funny. Now I want to change my ringtone:)


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