
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Yarn Bombing in Denver!

Yarnbombing - to improve the urban landscape through crochet and knitting.

Back in July, the City of Denver commissioned The Ladies Fancywork Society to add crocheted items to a section of chain link construction fence which had been erected around a construction site in downtown Denver. Their undertaking turned the fence into a veritable blooming garden compete with flowers and bugs, butterflies and bees, clouds and birds.

It took them six weeks to make the crocheted items and 20,000 zip ties to attach it all. And not only is this Garden a feast for the eyes, but it talks to the people who pass by. Solar powered speakers equipped with motion detectors spread positive affirmations - "That's a great outfit"  "Hello there! You look good today"

The Garden will be up until December.


  1. What a great way to spread some joy....

  2. Hahahaha, those yarn flowers are great but the affirmations are hilarious! What a great idea!

  3. Wow, that is so pretyy. All chain link fence should come like that:)

  4. I love the yarn art, what a super idea, though I am not so sure about the recorded affirmations...reminds me of the talking fish on the wall. Still, their hearts are in the right place!

  5. This is beautiful! What a great way to improve the eyesore of a construction site!

  6. What a brilliant idea. Motivational words and pretty things to look at. I'd walk by this every day on purpose!

  7. Ooh, I like that!

    In our city, (Santa Rosa, CA) the lamp-posts in the Old Railroad Square are encircled with knitted "sweaters". They also will be removed in December; I guess this must be a national event.

  8. Oh that is SO cool...I love that. I love it when people share art in ways such as this. I've also read about artists who create small works of art and leave them on benches and buses and other public placed to be found and enjoyed by others. A way to spread to the joy. Of course I wouldn't but any art into a box or envelope and leave it around, lest someone think it a bomb. But what a fun idea to surprise people with free art. :o)

  9. That's some of the best guerilla knitting I've seen yet. So pretty :)

  10. I love it! I told some of my favorite downtown shops about it and showed them your pictures. They got really excited too. I hope that they do it. It inspired me so I started making Yarn Bombed Jewelry. Antlers to be exact. I am giving away a Yarn Bombed Antler Necklace on my blog at It's easy to enter to win! Come check it out.


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