
Friday, November 26, 2010

Recommendation needed! Book on Yule

I am looking for a book that is suitable for small children - age 7 and under - that explains what Yule is from a Pagan point of view and that compares Yule to the holidays which are celebrated by other religions - Christmas,  Hanukkah,  Kwanzaa, etc. 
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


  1. The Return of the light :

    Also the books recommended here:

    I personally own the Winter Solstice book and it has a great story inside to share with children.

    Also Lights of Winter:

    This one is also pretty good for the images:

  2. Thank you!! Thank you!! ♥
    I have spent a goodly amount of time today looking online for books like these.....

    Yes, The Winter Solstice book does look like one I would want in my own library. :0)

  3. Also the Lady that does the Witch Elise and Pooka Pages has books out here is her page
    and the 7th House that carries her books for each of the Sabbat's including Yule
    Think you will like them too.

  4. @ Witchy godmother I LOVE seventh house for their season of the witch calendars i think i will check out your recommendation thanks so much

  5. Thank you so very much Witchy Godmother! ♥ I had heard of the Pooka Pages but wasn't aware that she had written any books. I'm off to go see now!

    Thank you to both you and Aisha!! You've both been of tremendous help!


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