
Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Letter From England ... 1940

Since a move is in our future, I have been slowly packing up the house. But I have also been trying to go through and sort some of the years of accumulation. Some of what I have found has had me shaking my head, wondering why did we keep this? But on occasion, I have found something that is really interesting. I would like to share a letter I found......

This letter is to my Mother from a pen-pal of hers.  
The date is 24 November, 1940 ~ Castleford, Yorkshire, England

.....I am ever so sorry I have neglected writing to you, but at the time I received your letter my daughter Nancy was dangerously ill & we none of us expected her to live. Even the Doctor gave her up & I was having a tough time nursing her. But I am glad to say she is once more up & going about again. Then when I got her better I have been ill. We have not been able to buy any onions or eggs for this last 3 weeks. And currants & tinned milk are bad to get. We are having a party here on the 20th of December as my daughter Ruby is getting engaged. I wish you could be here. I know you would enjoy. Well I think this is the main news I can tell you and I am glad to say we haven't had any air raids yet which is a lot to be thankful for. When we think of what other poor people in England are having to suffer. No I have never had any bear meat or elk but I envy you with your turkeys. I wouldn't mind one for Xmas dinner. I fear it will be hard to get our stuff for Xmas in England. I will close and wish you all a very Happy Xmas & a Bright and Prosperous New Year.
I remain yours sincerely, Mrs. Tingle


  1. I have recently found myself fascinated with all things WWII, England. That letter is a fantastic example of that era. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Lovely! I recently received copies of two letters from England during WII, but unfortunately they bore no good news. We certainly have cause to be thankful that those times are over!

  3. Letters from the past are a treasure, and this one brings a name and family to life, talking about air raids and rationing, that we have only seen in movies or read about. That is a touching piece of history you have shared.

  4. A good example of the kind of sacrifices that were widespread during WWII and during all wars, really.

  5. Truly a keepsake. What a lovely letter. Leaves one feeling a little sad but also hopeful for Mrs. Tingle. Thanks for sharing :)

  6. That is just amazing. A true piece of history you've found there.

  7. My grandmother was a prolific letter writer and the amazing thing is that she kept carbon copies of allher letters she wrote as well as the replies. I recently found an entire series of letters that she wrote and received from a family in Germany that they helped support after World War II. The father was a doctor and the descriptions of conditions are quite vivid. Very interesting to read.

  8. I love reading old letters. They disclose so much about the writer, the recipient and the times in which they were written.

    ptrmom - I bet that was an amazing read!


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