
Monday, November 22, 2010

Brief Interlude & New Neighbors ....

Going to be taking a break this week....
I need to put my flower gardens and yard 
to bed for the winter.
Will be back next week.  
Same time. Same station.

We have some new neighbors here in Blogland.
  Hela of Howlin' At The Full Moon and  Angel and Punky of New York City Dreaming .
So, if you're out and about this week, you might stop in and say "HI" ! 
{just click their name to be taken to their blog}


  1. Enjoy your week off, Jeanne! I too have yard work left to do, and it looks like I'm going to be dodging the snowflakes to get it done. .tell you what. .you come and help me, then I'll come and help you! lol

    Wishing you a VERY Happy Thanksgiving!


  2. I think a lot of us have full schedules this week! Enjoy and I look forward to your return next week!

  3. Thanks Jeanne your too sweet! I hope you take some time to just screw off this week, all work you know is not good for anyone. Have a great holiday : O)

  4. Thanks for the shout-out. Good luck with your yardwork this week ma'am. See ya when ya get back.

  5. Enjoy your garden time - even if it's putting things to bed. I wish the cold & ice hadn't arrived so soon - I'd have spent more time fussing in the garden too. Now I just have to wait until March until the earth melts again....sigh!


I'd love to hear from you....