
Friday, October 15, 2010

Witches and Faery Folk

Greetings to all the Haunted Blog Tour Travelers! 

I hope you are enjoying all of Mrs. B's Festivities. She is quite the Hostess with the Mostess!

Before we get started, I'd like to point you towards a  Giveaway  I am having for a Halloween Faery!
Click here!

Now, On with the Tour......

I'd like to WELCOME you to the WildWoods ~ Where Magick and Enchantment Abound!

My name is Jeanne and I am a Folk Artist, an Eclectic Wanderer, and a Purveyor of the Unusual.

Pull up a toadstool and rest for a spell. Have a cup of tea or maybe a muffin while I tell you of the Fae Folk....

The Fae Folk - faeries, elves, dwarves, pixies, sprites {Oh, how I could go one with the list} - live here in the WildWoods.
They are quite numerous and come quite often to pay me a visit at the Manor House. We have a close and peaceful relationship. I try very hard to mind myself whilst wandering the WildWoods {their home} and they do likewise while visiting my humble abode. And of course, the frequent little trinket or treat left for them can certainly help with keeping in their good graces. But there is still the occasional prank played, for it is in their nature.

But the Little People are always there to assist me with a spell or energy work. And this is the way it once was for all Witches and Fae Folk. When called upon the Fae would lend a hand. Faeries are quite adept at raising energy and some of them may even be in the service of various deities, thus being able to put in a special request on the Witch's behalf.  Faeries are especially helpful when it comes to spells of healing or protection. But keep in mind that different types of faeries are good at different spells - Brownies are helpful in protection spells and Gnomes can assist with healing magick.

But there are those in the Fae Realm that are not so friendly. It would be wise for Witches to do the research and learn the type of Fae that inhabit their area or pays them visits, lest they call upon the help of a malevolent Faery. (If anyone is interested in learning more, leave me a comment and I shall write more on this topic in the coming months.)

I shall leave you with a SPELL to help you see the Fae......

1. Gather the flowers of roses and marigolds while looking toward the east. Take the petals and soak them separately in spring water for one week. Strain off the petals.

2. Pour a small quantity of each liquid into a crystal glass bowl.

3. Add some virgin olive oil, and beat the mixture until the oil turns white. Then pour it into a glass bottle. 

4. Add hollyhock buds, marigold flowers, young hazel buds and the flowers of wild thyme to the mixture. The thyme should be gathered from the side of a hill ‘where fairies used to go often’.

5. Add grass from a fairy throne and leave the bottle in the sun for three days for the ingredients to dissolve.

6. Rub a very little of the mixture on each eyelid and you will be able to see any fairies who are around.

** Special Note: If Spring Water is not to be had, then use water that has been imbued with the powers of he Full Moon.


  1. What a wonderful post! Thank you for sharing it, and your blog, with us!

    And for those of you who've traveled over, take two extra entries (used as you'd like!) to the giveaways! After leaving a comment here, leave the word "faery" on the post/s of your choice!

  2. Hi Jeanne ~ Enjoyed your post about the faeries , look forward to hearing more about them.

    ~ Peaceful Autumn Blessings ~

  3. Your blog is fascinating, and I really would like you to write more on the malevolent fae....sounds a little scary...especially what if you come into contact with one, and what to do?

  4. Very cool - Was indeed a treat to read! :)

  5. Neat! I think I might send my daughter over to read the spell, she is pretty much obsessed with the wee folk!

    Thanks for sharing,

  6. Your home sounds like a truly magical place. I haven't worked often with the fae but will definitely be giving your spell a whirl and would love to hear more about the different types. :)

  7. When I was a little girl, my mother who was a witch, gave me a spell very similar to this one to see the fae. I haven't thought of it in ages and what a treat to find this here! Thank you.

  8. What a great post! I'm definitely going to try this spell out!
    Happy Halloween!

  9. Thank you for the fabulous post, I am intrigued with your blog and plan on visiting often!

  10. Great post Jeanne! As you well know, I'm always delighted to see the fairies getting their fair share of attention at this time of year. Good work missus! Oh, and thought you might find this funny. I posted it waaaay back when I first started blogging:

    Great minds and all that ;)

  11. I love this blog!!! I found it last year from Mrs. B and lost track of it when my computer dies. :( I'm so happy to have reconnected with it! Thx Mrs. B!

  12. Hi I came over from Mrs B's. I love your blog and well definitely be back. :)


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