
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Needful Item: Angry JOL

Everyone needs one of these on their patio to keep them warm on chilly October evenings!

And today is the last day to enter in my giveaway!


  1. You have a fabulous blog/website! I flew in for a visit & to let you know I'm awarding you 3 blog awards. Grab your broom and fly on over to Cattra’s Magickal World ( ) and check them out.
    Have a very witchy day •*´¨*.•*´¨*~^..^~*Cattra .•*´¨*.•* *

  2. Including me! that I look at this, I seem to remember having a miniature pumpkin tabletop chiminea, and now I am wondering just where the heck it is! thinks the hubby lied when he said, "yes dear, I brought all 500 heavy Halloween boxes down out of the blistering hot attic, I promise".

    That rat...I know I had something like this, but I can't recall seeing it in the last couple of years. I bet he broke it a few years back and just never told me, hoping I'd forget about it. I'm calling him RIGHT NOW! Ha! :o)

  3. Oh, that is now on my wish list!

    The Old Hippie is in your neck of the woods today and is amazed at the real estate deals there. Beautiful properties! We have always planned to retire to Newton Co., but now he is definitely considering other options. He has sent me a dozen photos already....


  4. I love the Angry JOL. I can just see sitting outside on a fall evening. Thank you for sharing - WG

  5. I want one of these for our next home!!! Am already starting a birthday/Solstice gift list.... :0)

    Wendy, Men! They can be stinkers sometimes! That's why I always inventory all our Holiday decorations. {Just kidding Dear!} :0)

    Chris, Yes, there are some wonderful homes for sale here. And many great deals. If you're interested in a really unique one, our place will be for sale in a few months. It was built in the early 50's by a retired military officer who modeled it after Manor Houses he saw in Germany during WWII.

  6. Oh if only I had a patio to put this on! And cooler weather too!

    Thank you, by the way, for joining my little blog.

  7. I want one!!!! How fun! Ooh, I may have to enter your giveaway. :) Heading over there now. I am going to be having a giveaway in the next week so keep a lookout!


  8. Well you will happy to hear that I confronted him when he came home...and he promptly crawled back into the attic and produced it for me! I have to watch him closely...ha! So my pumpkin tabletop chiminea is now out on my patio! And it's all thanks to YOU! Thank you! :o)

  9. Wendy, You gotta watch those guys! The one box they leave behind always seems to be the one with all the good stuff in it! Glad to hear that you have your tabletop chiminea has been found! Don't think I have ever seen one of them before......


I'd love to hear from you....