
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

September's Festivities....

There is a lot to celebrate this September ~ the Autumn Equinox, my 2 year Blog-o-versary, and the fact that I have reached over 200 Followers! WOW! And I'm sure there are other things that need to be celebrated ... like the coming of cooler weather, Halloween's on the way, and Dust Bunny Breeding Season is about over.

And I would like to Thank Sherry Byrum of Byrum Art for the recent Blog Award! Sherry is always there with kind words of encouragement! Not to mention some totally awesome Art! Stop by her blog & say HI!

So, Here's what you have to look forward to this coming month... 
  • Because September is when LeaVeS reach their glory, we will visit different types of Leaf Art each Sunday.                                                                               
  • Mondays will be DuMp DaY - Link Dump that is. I'll share with all you wonderful readers a list of links that I have found to be fun, informative, and some even useful!                                
  • On Wednesday we will visit some of the Blogs that I Love to Haunt.                                                                                         
  • On Fridays I will feature a post about the area in which I live.                                                 
  • And mixed in with all this will be a GiVeAwAy! 

And speaking of Giveaways, be sure to stop by the Facebook page for the Society of Eclectic Halloween Artists & sign-up for their September Giveaway!  Click here!

So stay tuned!  
 Don't touch that dial!   
See you back here on Friday!
Until then....

Happy Haunting!


  1. Ooh....things are looking festive around here! Looking forward to the upcoming season! Oh...and loved the multi-colored text for colored leaves! That is SO something I would do, so it was not lost on me. Happy Hump Day!

  2. We slugs come out to play this time of year, love the fact that fall is here! I will come back to see what you have in store for us!
    Love, Mrs. Slug

    PS - I have a new math problem on tap at Slugs Rest, to get you ready for the new school year! Bring your calculator!


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