
Saturday, September 18, 2010


I know. I know. It took me long enough to post the
that I promised.
But it is oh, so worth the wait! 

Because I am giving away not one!

Not two!

But  three  of my original creations. 

Someone will receive this Lovely Little Pumpkin Girl.

Or maybe you'll win a Halloween Candy Container

Or possibly a set of two of my Pumpkin Photo/Namecard Holders.

Here's how you can get your name entered into the cauldron !

1.  Leave a comment on THIS post. The comment has to be on my blogspot blog!
Not the one on Facebook or Creating The Hive or Blog Frog.
And please tell me which prize you would like. I will do my best to accommodate you. But no guarantees.

And for two additional chances to get your name in the cauldron ~

1.  Post about my giveaway on your blog. (please leave me a comment that you have done so)

2.  Send me an email with the correct answer to the following question...
What is the cane in the pictures below made from?
(click on the pictures to enlarge)

email addy ~

The winners will be posted on September 23 about 9am CST, the day of the Autumnal Equinox.


**Sorry, this giveaway limited to US residents only.**


  1. a wonderful giveaway and well worth the wait... I love your creations...

  2. Pick me! Pick me! Oh I so want the Umbrella girl!!!!!
    I left a post about your giveaway on my blog!!!!
    Don't have a clue what kind of wood the cane is made from, Ron couldn't guess either!

  3. Oh my...they are all so creative that I would be happy to own any of them. fantastic!!!! Linda

  4. Yes, the cane is made from a most 'unusual' wood. {{giggle, giggle}}

  5. Okay, I don't follow directions well and I realized that I was supposed to email you with my guess on the cane wood. So I deleted my first response and will email that part to you...although honestly it will just be a stab in the dark. (ohh, that sounds creepy doesn't it...ha!)

    Okay....these are ALL fabulous items Jeanne! And I am officially throwing my name in the pot for the give away! I love them all, so I would be happy with ANY of those fab creations because they are all fantastic! Whichever one you would like to send to live with me if I the one that I will be thrilled with. Thank you for this give away. And it reminds me that I need to do one soon too.

    Oh...and I did mention your give away at the end of today's post with a link. :o)

  6. Oooooh....I want one of your creations!! They are too adorable for words and just in time for Halloween!!!

  7. Such a wonderful giveaway. I would be honored to have anyone of them. But if I have to pick one then I would pick the pumpkin candy container. Thanks so much for a wonderful giveaway.

  8. Whoa! The candy container is amazing! So are the other two but ah, how I love that candy container! :)

  9. I love the things you make!! Posted your giveaway on my blog!
    and will mail you my guess on the cane. Thanks!!

  10. oh my! i was all ready to play - your work is lovely! But it's not for me, so I'll leave it at that :D (I'm in the UK)

  11. What a hard choice it is to decide which of your items I would like to win the most. All of them are wonderful, but I believe that the two little pumpkin card/photo holders would win out. I am going right now to posy=t your give-away on my blog, then e-mail you with my guess on the 'wooden' cane. Thanks for this chance!

  12. What a great giveaway! Wendy sent me over. so I hope you can put my name in your cauldron. I'd love any of the items--you pick for me!


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