
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

An Award and a Thank You!

I recently received a blog award from a most wonderful gal over at I Hope They Have Pudding.  
THANK YOU !!!!  You make me blush!
If you haven't had a chance to visit with her, you're missing out on a treat! She always has the most luscious items to eat  over at her place and she even shares the receipts (recipes)! 

I must now share seven things about myself! 
Hhhmm...this may be hard, I'm not sure I have any tidbits left that I haven't already shared......
So forgive me if I have mention something already.

1. I have a fern fetish! I love ferns of all shapes and sizes and varieties.

2. I hate washing dishes by hand. I will spend two hours organizing the dishwasher so all the dirty dishes will fit, rather than spend 15 min. washing them in the sink.

3. I have an aversion to having my picture taken.

4. I love to decorate with the color red but can't stand wearing the color!

5. I am a hoarder of books.

6. I am also a hoarder of Pumpkins.

7. I know there is something large and furry living under my bed ('s just a dust bunny!)

And now I leave this award for YOU! 
Just leave me a comment so that we might all come for a visit!


I'd love to hear from you....