
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Wedding Pics

I would like to thank everyone for all the input regarding my clothes for the recent wedding of my oldest son. I decided on pants with a casual eyelet blouse and vest. Most comfy! Especially when you're carrying a sleepy two year old! 
Ans here are some shots from the wedding.

My son Eric and my new DIL Crystal.

Eric & Crystal's youngest daughter Cassidy.

Dancin' to the Tunes

My daughter Jennifer & Youngest son Jeremy

My SIL Adam and grandson Clyde

Grandma (me) and a tired (granddaughter) Brianna 


  1. Looks like a lovely happy event! Congratulations!

  2. Congratulations what a beautiful event! :)

  3. Jeanne, you have a beautiful family, and what a joyous event for everyone to celebrate together!

    You've got to be SO proud of them all!!!

    Thank you for sharing your treasured photos. .I loved seeing everyone, and getting a peek at your gorgeous hair!


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