
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Ghoulishly Great Give-away Goodies!

I recently received the most Ghoulishly Great Give-away Goodies in the mail from Wendy the (VERY) Good Witch of The Halloween Tree. She had a give-away and I was one of the fortunate winners. WooHoo!!  And when I say fortunate, I really mean FORTUNATE! She had such glorious give-away goodies, but I was hoping I would win The Moon-Rays CD, Swingin' at the Seance. 

And what do you think I found in the package that came my way? The CD that I had been hoping to win! The Moon-Rays play 'Swing' music - you know the music from the 1940's. But this album (and many more of theirs) is Halloween music. I love Swing music. And I love Halloween. Now put the two together and I am in total BLISS!  

T*H*A*N*K  Y*O*U   Wendy!!!!

Wendy is a very creative person and she creates the most wonderful tags, ornaments and prints (you really need to visit her Etsy shop - click here! ). She also included the cutest tag and she did the CD's cover and design layout. Very cool! Now let's listen to Swingin' at the Seance!


  1. Great music, I love it !!!!
    I have a cd with all kinds of Halloween music which I made myself, but this really swings. I would love to have that cd. I hope I can get it here in The Netherlands !!

  2. Wow! Congrats on the goodies! Everything looks great! LOVE the music, too :)

  3. Aren't you the lucky girl!! And lucky treats too, to find their way to your home, where they will be treasured!

    I have that CD, and one of my Halloween favorites . .I play it any time of year.

    Don't wear it out! lol


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