
Wednesday, June 16, 2010


About a month ago, we adopted another feline into our clowder of cats. Or rather he moved himself in! 
He had been hanging around our place for quite some time, we would catch glimpses of him from time to time. Then one day he was living in our garage and before you know it, he had moved himself into the house.

Sylvester is a polydactyl cat. Also known as a "Hemingway Cat". He has 6 toes on each of his front feet. Makes it look like he has mittens on. And he is quite the talker. Always having something to add to a conversation......

The rest of the Gang hasn't been real thrilled about the new addition, but they will adjust. Especially after Sylvester sees the Vet at the end of the month.


  1. I love polydactyl kitties...and Sylvester is quite the handsome fella!

  2. What a gorgeous kitty! I'm a sucker for polydactyl kitties although I haven't ever owned one or rather been owned by one...

  3. He's handsome and you picked the purrfect name for him. Glad to hear he's off the streets.

    ~ Many Blessings ~

  4. He's a beauty! :) We have an outdoor female(Gypsy) last spring she had a few of the 6 toed kittens. I noticed she's expecting again. I hope to catch her and get her fixed. I hope she has them in the garage to make it easy to get them and not in the wood pile.

  5. He looks just like Sylvester! You are wonderful for giving him a proper home. The other kitties will adjust...eventually!

  6. Hahaaaa! Sneaky, that Sylvester--moving himself in inch by inch! He's definitely a cutie!

  7. Oh how cool is Kit..move in in the summer be warm in the fall and winter! I have never actually seen polydactyl paws before...they look so beans!
    Hugs to you hon, Sarah

  8. What a clever kitty! He knows a good thing when he sees it. And a Hemingway cat too! We caught a glimpse of a few of them when we toured his home in Key West. So unusual! Thank you for stopping by. Happy Summer to you!
    ~ Iva

  9. We love polys at our house. We've adopted two of them (one has passed on, the new one is about a year old now). Sylvester looks like our newest addition, Max. Beautiful cat. Quite the personality, too!


  10. What a gorgeous cat. If he decides to move out one day - send him my way! LOL! Jeannine


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