
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Eye Candy

While I am away at the wedding, I will leave some eye candy up for you to gaze at. Enjoy!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Solstice Blessings!

May this Solstice Blessing bring a song to your heart and a lilt to your step. ♥

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Happy Father's Day!!!

Happy Father's Day to Dads everywhere! 

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


About a month ago, we adopted another feline into our clowder of cats. Or rather he moved himself in! 
He had been hanging around our place for quite some time, we would catch glimpses of him from time to time. Then one day he was living in our garage and before you know it, he had moved himself into the house.

Sylvester is a polydactyl cat. Also known as a "Hemingway Cat". He has 6 toes on each of his front feet. Makes it look like he has mittens on. And he is quite the talker. Always having something to add to a conversation......

The rest of the Gang hasn't been real thrilled about the new addition, but they will adjust. Especially after Sylvester sees the Vet at the end of the month.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

American Mandrake

Here in the WildWoods, there are huge patches of American Mandrake. It is also known by the names Mayapple, Devil's Apple, or Indian Apple. It is a perennial native herb which grows in the moist, rich soils of woods, thickets, and pastures in Eastern North America - southern Maine to Florida and as far west as Texas and Minnesota. American Mandrake prefers deep shade and spreads by a creeping rhizome. It can be cultivated by sowing seeds in Autumn or transplanting seedlings in the Spring. 

The May Apple grows to a height of 18 inches with a stem that resembles an umbrella. The large, white blooms grow right in between the leaves and will appear in April to May. The fruit ripens in early summer and will be crab-apple size. 

American Mandrake is also known as the Witch's Umbrella and was thought to be employed by them as a poison. Which is not far from the truth as the roots of this plant are quite toxic!! I have not 'yanked' any of these plants from the ground to see if their screams are ear piercing or would render a person insane - like it's English Cousin.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

For My Friend, Cindi...

I have a friend who trusts me to take care of her flower beds while she is not around. So I have started taking pictures of the flowers that bloom while she is away so that she might enjoy them. This post is for her.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Life with a Super Hero

I'm back from Colorado and had a wonderful time! It's amazing how much energy a Super-Hero has! Whew!

I enjoyed visiting with my youngest and seeing his new home. And seeing my oldest and his fiancĂ©  and their two girls as well. Now to recuperate and get ready to head back for a wedding in just a few weeks.

Thanks for all the input regarding my wedding attire! I think I will go with some slacks rather than a dress. 

And now, I think I hear some JOLs calling my name....