
Sunday, April 18, 2010

An Everflowing Stream...

Who wouldn't love to have a stream in their garden???
But don't want the work of installing one, plus the upkeep???
Don't have a water source nearby??

Then the stream to the left is the one for you!! It comes from the creative mind of Landscape Architect, Jack Chandler. He carries re-purposing to a whole new level!! To see more of his work, click on his name or click here.

(Click on picture to enlarge - you really need to see the larger version!)


  1. Very cool stream - I love all of the recycled materials!
    Re: a previous post - my dogwood is just budding out!

  2. Well! I was out blog-hopping this evening and followed the crumbs to yours, so here I am! Being a little kid in a 58 year old body, I am a Halloween freak so when I saw your blog, I stopped and read for a long time. Many posts later, and I want to comment on them all. Regarding the bottle tree, I have heard of them but never seen one. In Oklahoma, where I live, I know of a shoe tree and it is a heck of a sight to see! One huge, dead tree with hundreds of shoes hanging from it. I want one for Halloween. Anyway, to make a long comment short, I am now a follower of your blog. Love it!

    Liz (aka Ninny)

  3. Thanks for that link. That is very cool. I would love stream in the greaveyard!!



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