
Thursday, April 1, 2010

April's Showers.....

Bring May Flowers. (as the old saying goes...) 

But it takes more than showers to bring flowers to a garden. Good Soil, Proper Plant Placement, & Disease and Pest Control are equally important. And all this month I will be posting about Gardening and Plants. With a little Art thrown in for good measure.

And to kick things off, I want to give you a little known fact about bees. They serve two purposes in the Garden - Pollinators & Watchdogs! 
Researchers in Germany have discovered that many caterpillars detect air vibrations with the fine sensory hair on their bodies. But these caterpillars cannot distinguish between hunting wasps and bees. (many wasp species lay eggs on caterpillars & these caterpillars become the food source for the larva when they hatch) When these types of caterpillars feel the vibration, they will stop munching and sometimes even drop to the ground.
So you might think about planting some bee friendly flowers - cosmos, zinnias, cilantro, borage - amongst your Veggies this year!


  1. interesting fact about bees.. one I was not aware of... Yes they are already out.... doing their little deeds they do. It is spring for sure....

  2. I didn't know that about bees either , Thanks for sharing the info. My echinacea has started popping up , can't wait to see those beautiful blooms.

    ~ Many Blessings ~

  3. Oh, always love me some plants. Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to the posts!



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