
Friday, March 5, 2010

Fairies in the WildWoods

The Fairies here in the WildWoods live in trees. Making them a house would have been impractical because I'm afraid it would've sat empty. And what brought this on you ask?? A friend recently ask me if I had ever made a Fairy House after viewing several of the Fairy Doors I make. And the February challenge for the Year-Of-Enchantment Swap I am in, was to make a Fairy House. So......

I made a Gazebo for all the Fairies! And it seems that it didn't take long before someone came along to enjoy it!


  1. How enchanting! I would love to be able to shrink down to fit in there, enjoying the day's breezes and the night's stars. And a roof to protect me from rain and birds that may think that I'd be very tasty!
    You may have to make more than one. They may be fighting over who get squatter's rights, and only making more will end the squabbles!

  2. I love it and such lucky fairies to have a wonderful place like that to stay!

  3. Hi Jeanne ~ Love the gazebo , your fairies are lucky to have such a wonderful friend.

    ~ Blessings ~

  4. That looks wonderful !! I love the gazebo. The doors are very wonderful too !!!
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. It's gorgeous! I really want to get a fairy door for our new home. :)


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