
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Year of Enchantment Swap

I am participating in Yarnigras', Year of Enchantment Swap. This is a year long event with one swap taking place every month. January's Swap theme was pine cones & acorns. My partner was Gin of Keepsake Moments. She spoiled me with pine cones!!!

She made me these Chorus Line Cuties! The cutest chorus line garland of girls made from pine cones! And she painted me a pine cone on a piece of clear acrylic. I think it will have to go up in my kitchen window - Christmas ribbon and all! And if that weren't enough, she gave two pine cones shaped glitter candles. Thank you Gin!!!!

I made her a pine cone ornie (pattern courtesy of dear ol' Martha!). And sent her one of the lingerie bags that I like to make.

And I also won the January doorprize that is part of the YOE Swap. It is the most awesome calendar of work done by Charley Harper. And a bookmark - most useful for a bookworm!
Thank you Val!!!


  1. Love the chorus line cuties , they're so sweet. Your pinecones look great too. Looks like a fun swap!

    ~ Blessings of Wonder ~

  2. I love the quote on the bookmark!

    What a great idea - swapping handmade items. The pinecone stash you received is wonderful! I love what you did too - I'm in awe of anyone who can replicate Martha's crafts - lol!

  3. Great pinecone goodies, I love pinecone anythings!! Love the year round swap idea, how fun. Congrats on your win to!!


  4. What a cute little chorus line! You always get the cutest gifts. :)



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