
Sunday, January 3, 2010

Predicting the Weather ~ With an Onion?

I can remember my Mother using this old method of predicting the weather for the upcoming year.

On the 6th of January, late at night after everyone's gone to bed, cut an onion in half. Separate the rings and place twelve of the 'cups' in a row - January will be on the far left, then February, and so on with December ending on the far right. I personally like to place the cups on a large cookie sheet.

Place 2 tspn of salt in each onion 'cup'. Leave overnight. The next morning look at the salt. How wet or how dry the salt is predicts how wet or how dry that month will be.

** DO NOT talk to anyone from the time you cut the onion until the next morning. **

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Another way some folks predict the upcoming year's weather is to make note of the weather for the first 12 days of January. What those days hold in the way of sunshine, temperatures, & precipitation foretell what the upcoming months will be like.

Wanna compare notes in June???


  1. Jeanne, you always come up with the neatest things! lol I had never heard that about the onion before.

    I'm afraid that the first 12 days of January won't work here. It has been doing nothing but snowing, and very cold temps, with more predicted all this next week..or I should say, if it IS right, I won't even bother planning on getting out my patio furniture or planting flowers! lol

    I'm going to try the onion though, and take notes! Thanks!!

  2. This is neat! Fun to get the kids to help you interpret the next morning!

    Let us know how the year looks!

  3. That's probably more accurate than some of the weather reports we get sometimes.

  4. heehee...what a neat thing....but does it work?

  5. Ohhhh ..... this is so interesting , I'll give a try. I've never heard of this before , so we'll see how it goes.

    ~ Winter Blessings ~

  6. how fun! I might have to give this one a oldes grandson loves stuff like this...maybe when he is here.....


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