
Friday, January 1, 2010


A New Year has begun. And along with the turning of the calendar page comes the turning over of a new leaf for many folks. New Resolves. New Habits. New Hopes.
I have no resolutions for this year. I try not to make them. If I see that I need to change something, I try do it then. I don't wait till New Year's Day to begin.

Though, I do have hopes for this year. Hopes that Hubby continues with his straight A's in school (so very PROUD of you ). Hopes that art sales pickup. Hopes that everyone we know and love continues to have good health.

Hubby and I took a walk down to the creek behind our house this afternoon. The weather was glorious. The sky full of sunshine. The air filled with the songs of nature. The creek was running high from the recent rains. And it roared over the rocks. It felt so good to let all of last year flow down the creek with the water. A cleansing you might say. A washing away of the old, the stagnant; making room for the fresh new beginnings that await us.

Anastasia of Deep Inside My Broom CLoset has ask what one little word we would use to make an impact on our life for 2010. I know many of you in Blogland have written about this or at least seen posts about this. So please bear with me while I share my one little word for 2010.

ACTUALIZATION. Meaning to make real.

This is the year that so many of the things that I VISUALIZED last year will become real. For it is not enough to wish and dream and visualize about what one wants. But a person must take action to achieve those goals and I have already begun. I have a feeling that it will be a busy year. But busy is good. (keeps me out of trouble!)


  1. I like that word. Good luck in 2010 and may it be wonderful.

  2. I like your choice of word, too! And what you say is true for me. I too need to put my visons into action, and have fun doing so.

    Thank you for sharing the photos of your walk! I love getting out and walking through woods, especially by streams, and haven't been able to do so, for a long time now. It brings back fond memories.

    That kitty is nearly invisible! lol

  3. Good word choice.

    I hope you and your family have a blessed 2010!



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