
Sunday, January 31, 2010

An Award, A Thank You, & A New Garden

Rue of Rue and Hyssop has very graciously bestowed a Blog Award on me. THANK YOU Rue! She is the sweetest!! You must stop by her blog for a good read! She (and her blog) are like a breathe of fresh air!

Here are the seven rules of the award:
1. Thank the person giving the award.
2. Copy the award to your blog.
3. Place a link to the blog of the person who passed the award to you.
4. Name seven things people don't know about you.
5. Nominate other bloggers who you admire.
6. Place a link to these bloggers.
7. Leave a comment on their blog notifying them of the award.

So.........Here goes........

1. I don't like to eat fish.
2. But I LOVE shrimp. (they're a crustacean not a fish!)
3. I have a terrible temper (but most red-heads do!)
4. I don't like having my photo taken.
5. I suffer from motion sickness - no carnival rides for me!
6. I need at least 9 (or 10) hrs of sleep every night.
7. I am a packrat but am trying to overcome my habit!

And now to nominate some Bloggers who I admire and who inspire...

1. Grace of My Year in Haiku - I admire anyone who can write Haiku. And her's is great!
2. JoyceAnn of ~~~Feather Spirits~~~ . I admire her simpler way of life.
3. Grimdeva at Cauldron Craft Miniatures . I admire anyone who has such nimble fingers to create such miniature things!

Please stop by their blogs to say, "HI". You'll be delighted you did!

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And now for a THANK YOU to Frog Queen of Frog on the Pumpkin for an awesome mousepad (compete with a calendar and very cool pic of some of their tombstones) which I won in a giveaway that she was having. Stop by her blog for some nifty reads on old Amusement Parks!

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And now for news on a NEW GARDEN. Actually it's more like a community garden.
Suzie of Cat In The Moon was inspired to create a blog about gardening and things Halloween. She has invited Becca of Magickal Seasons, the Frog Queen, and myself to help cultivate and nurture this little spot. It's just a seedling now but I do hope you'll stop by The Haunted Gardens now and then to wander the paths and see what a Magickal, Mystical Menagerie of Earthly Frights and Delights it is!


  1. I think we are sisters! I don't like fish either, but eat shellfish (lobster, crab, shrimp.) Plus, I get motion sickness too - ick! Thanks for your sweet comments - hugs!

    I'm now following your new blog - so excited for you! Gardening AND Halloween - my two favourite things!

  2. Oh my stars, Jeanne! I'm a redhead too! Well, more auburn, and now more gre. .never mind. .I'm a "reddie" too! :-)

    And I'm not a big fish eater, but love shrimp, and if I'm not careful motion sickness will creep up on me.

    Ditto on the photo taking, too!

    And thanks for "pimping" our blog! I too was going to do so, and I think that Becca was too. I feel sorry for our mutual friends! They'll be bombarded! lol

    Cool mousepad from the Frog Queen! VERY Spooky!! Congratulations!!

    And a big congratulations on the blog award too! It is well deserved!!

  3. Congrats! :) I'm red by choice. :) Sometimes blonds get a little dirty with age. lol! Love the mousepad too. :)

  4. Red head with a temper? No! I have a sister like that!

    Thank you so much for reading My Year in Haiku and for giving me this award. As I knew, it is not as popular as my other blog was! But I am so enjoying it. You were my very first follower and I appreciate that.

    I read your every post here at the Candy Corn Chronicles and I still think you have one of the best blog names ever.

    Thanks again and have a wonderful week.

  5. Thanks for the award , I feel honored. Enjoyed reading the 7 things about you. I'll try to post mine tomorrow.

    I'm blopping over to your " New Garden " blog to check it out.

    ~ Many Blessings ~

  6. I rarely eat fish...but I could eat a zillion shrimp. :)

    Motion gets worse and worse for me the older I get. Even playing Mario Kart on the Wii makes me sick. LOL



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