
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A Blog Award

I was honored with not one but two Blog Awards recently. Leslie at My Own Little World bestowed these two awards to me. THANK YOU Leslie! I'm honored! Please stop by her blog and say 'Hi'. And check out her Etsy shop (Leslie Larson Designs) - she has the cutest clothespin women in her shop along with some gorgeous flowers.

Here are the rules of these Awards:
1. Thank the person giving the awards
2. Copy awards to your blog
3. Place a link to their blog.
4. Name 7 things people don't know about you.
5. Nominate 7 bloggers
6. Place a link to those bloggers
7. Leave a comment on their blogs letting them know of their awards

Here's my 7 things ~

1. I love to iron. I find it very relaxing.
2. I believe in Santa.
3. And the Easter Bunny.
4. And the Tooth Fairy.
5. I have a fondness for ferns.
6. I like to knit or crochet while watching TV of an evening.
7. I know how to snowshoe

I visit so many wonderful blogs in the course of a day or week that it really is so very hard to pick just seven. So, I am leaving these awards here for the next seven people who don't already have them to pick up. Just leave me a link to your blog in the comments so the blogging world may come visit!!


  1. Yay! Congrats! You definitely deserve them! I love your blog and writing :)

  2. Yay to you! You deserve these - I really enjoy your blog!

  3. Whooo hooo Jeanne!! Congrats on your awards!! You SO deserve them.



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