
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Twas All Hallow's Eve

‘Twas All Hallow’s Eve and all through the Castle,
Nary a Monster was stirring, nor a bone did rattle.
The stockings were hung by the hearth with care,
In hopes that the Great Pumpkin soon would be here.

The Ghoulies were nestled all snug in their crypts,
With Ghosts of years past lurking in their midst.
And the Count in his Tux and I in my Shroud,
Had just settled our bones but The Count he did snore loud!

When out in the graveyard there arose such a ruckus,
I sprang from my coffin to see what the fuss was.
Away to the window I flew quick like a bat,
Tore open the drapes and told the cat to scat!

The moon on the tombstones in the cemetery below,
Gave the brightness of midday to the relics sitting in a row.
And when what did my bleary eyes did espy,
But a dark shadow suddenly going by.

And then within a heartbeat I heard on the ramparts,
The thumping and bumping of a cheerful heart.
As I drew in my head and was turning around,
Down the chimney The Great Pumpkin did come with a bound.

He was chubby and plump, a right ghastly old Gourd,
With a black pointy hat and eyes that glowered.
But with a wink of his eye and a twist of his noggin,
I soon knew I need not be frightened.

He spoke not a sound, but went straight to his work,
And filled all the stockings, then turned with a jerk.
And laying his vine aside his nose,
And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose!

He sprang to his broom holding his bag ever so snug.
And away he did fly, like the down of a bug!
But I heard him exclaim as he rose out of sight,
Happy Halloween to all, and to all a Frightful Night!


  1. LOL What fun!! I LOVE all of your images that go SO well with your narration! VERY cute and clever!! And a VERY Happy Halloween to you, too!


  2. Whhahahahahah Loved it!!! Wonderful treat! I love all of your fun decorations - wow girl!!
    Come by and see mine!!!
    Happy Halloween, Sarah

  3. wonderful post to read and look at and I enjoyed your ghost story below!

  4. Love the Halloween Night story! Wonderful party post!

    Happy Halloween!

  5. love all your decorations.. and the story was great :-)

  6. Doing the party round, Great pictures Happy Halloween :-)

  7. Muwahahahahahaha!

    Love the poem and the pictures are perfect! Thank you for a hauntingly good party!

    I'm visiting from Beyond to celebrate the spookiest Halloween blog party ever! I hope you are having a fang-tastic time today! You are cordially invited to share in the celebration at my party HERE. I do hope you'll stop by!

    Have a spook-tacular day!

  8. Oh Jeanne that is so neat. Thank you for sharing! I wish I had been better prepared for Halloween this year because that looks like so much fun!

    Yes, if you like a good read definitely read House of the Spirits it is a beautiful tale and a page turner, the author is Isabel Allende.

    See you soon!


  9. HA! Love your extremely clever poem adaptation! Your fireplace is delightful. Do stop by and party with Alice and Dead Bob, if you dare! **kisskiss** Deborah

  10. Hi Jeanne! I loved this post!
    Happy Halloween Party to you :)

  11. One of the BEST visits I've had among Vanessa's party goers! I loved your decorations Jeanne!
    I'm flying over to sit a spell with you!
    *leaves a bottle of Magikal Faerie Dust* to Enchant YOU!
    *sprinkle sprinkle*

    Opal Moon Enchantments

  12. Fatastic Halloween post!

    I love it!

    Happy Haloween!

  13. What a great poem! I enjoyed it completely! Happy Halloween to you! Now come solve a crime, come over and see mine! Take care, Martha

  14. (Clapping & cheering) Wonderful! Happy Halloween & Fete!

  15. So clever! I really enjoyed this post... And then name of your blog is so sweet!

  16. the lyrics and the photos compliment each other to a T

  17. Nice parady and your pictures were just spooktackular.
    Got to fly. Hope you have a magically wonderful Halloween.

  18. Helloooo Lovely!

    I love it--how very clever to make the poem Halloween themed! And the pictures are to die for (ummm..well, not literally!) :)

    Happy Halloween and Huggles!

  19. A frightingly good party! Have a happy Halloween and a magical weekend! Twyla

  20. Hi, Great Halloween post! Wonderful pics & story! Happy Halloween to you!

  21. Terribly spooky and chill enducing! Love it. Thanks for inviting me over, I do apologize for arriving late.

  22. Wonderful - you should post this every year - it can be a new tradition!

    Loved it!

  23. Your fireplace looks amazing! Great story!

  24. FINALLY fell asleep at someone's party last back to make rounds again today...

    Thank you for the glad you left the decorations up for me!

    Please stop by and see my creative offerings for the party...they're still up, too!

  25. Sorry to be late!! The trade winds blew me off course. Thanks for keeping the candles lit for me. Wonderful party and your photos are fantastic!
    Stop by mine

  26. Can you believe I'm still out partying?!?! This was a lovely one for sure...thank you so much for the invite...Happy Halloween!!

  27. Great poem, and I particularly love that first photo of the hearth. Is that yours?

    Happy Hallowe'en!

  28. Thank you Dragonmamma. Yes, the hearth in the photo is mine. :0)

  29. I love these photos. Happy Halloween!

  30. Brilliant! Lovely poem and photos! Greetings from a fellow AR dweller, and a WOW (Witch of Wye) ;)

  31. A fantastic dose of Halloween cheer! Hope yours was absolutely wonderful!

  32. Delightful! Hope you had a wonderful Halloween! Pumpkin Blessings!

  33. Hahaha! I love it! You're so creative.


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