
Sunday, October 11, 2009

Trail of Gold

Trail of Gold
from a journal written by
Donna Turnbull
(My Mother)

King Midas passed this way today and left a trail of gold.
The lanes of yellow goldenrod mark pathways where he trod.

He chased the wild canaries through all the woodland trees.
The sunflowers by the roadside prove his activities.

The colors rival the yellow sun; the world is aureoled.
King Midas passed this way today and left a trail of gold.


  1. that is lovely! May I use it sometime? I am sponsoring a flower of the month swap on on one of my ATC groups, and this would fit in perfectly with my sunflower theme. I will, of course, give full credit.

    I have a journal written bu my mother when she and my step-dad moved to Arkansas 25 years ago. I cannot bear to read it tho.

  2. beautiful and such a precious gift left by your mother....

  3. How beautiful!!!

    Blessings and magic to YOU today!♥

  4. What a lovely poem - I can see everything she described!


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