
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A Thank You Gift for My Fantastic Followers! ♥

I have come to a milestone and I would like to celebrate with YOU! Because if it wasn't for YOU, my Faithful Readers, I wouldn't have come this far.

This blog, The Candy Corn Chronicles (don't you just LOVE CANDY CORN?!), now has over 100 people who follow it. THANK YOU!

Beginning this month I will have a monthly giveaway JUST FOR YOU ~ THE FANTASTIC FOLLOWERS of this Blog. I will announce a winner every month on the 13th. The winner will receive a little something that I have made with my own two grubby little hands. This month's prize is Jack the Pumpkin.

October's Winner is

LESLIE of My Own Little World

{I have managed to convince over 100 people that my babbling and random thoughts are interesting.
Boy, Do I have
YOU fooled!}


  1. Congratulations Leslie! He is just to cute.

  2. First, congratulations on 100 followers! WooHoo!

    Second, LOVE the pumpkin.

    Third, congrats to Leslie.

    A monthly giveaway is so exciting. :)


  3. Congrats to the winner. He is just darling!

  4. Whoo Hoo!!! I am so excited to win your great pumpkin! Thanks!!! What a great way to thank your followers, I love your blog.

  5. OOoooh, congrats to Leslie AND Jeanne! I know at least another 100 will be reading your blog, Jeanne--it's good shhhtuff! :)

  6. But your babbling is always so interesting!! Congrats!

  7. You "babbling and random thoughts" are interesting! And so is your wonderful art! Congrats on your milestone!

  8. Congrats Leslie! Sweet giveaway too :)


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