
Sunday, October 25, 2009

More Eye Candy and an Award

I would like to Thank Debra of She Who Seeks for this Great Award. I'm honored. Do stop by her blog if you get the chance and say 'HI'!

Here's the official guidelines of this award:
1. Share 10 Honest Things about myself.
2. Present this award to 7 others who have encouraged me or
whose blogs I find brilliant in content or design.
3. Let them know of the award and the guidelines.

Here's the 10 Honest Things about me -

1. I love to bake bread
2. I'm a morning person
3. I'm afraid of heights
4. I know how to spin wool into yarn
5. I was once a dog trainer
6. I like my glass (or two) of wine every night
7. I bared my------on Bourbon Street
8. I love the TV show "The Big Bang Theory"
9. I've watched a July 4th Fireworks Display during a snowstorm
10. I have butchered (with Hubby's help) an elk on my dining room table

There! That wasn't so bad!

I'm supposed to pick 7 Bloggers who have encouraged me or who have outstanding blogs - that's so tough! Because ALL OF YOU, MY READERS, encourage me by reading the stuff I write! And it seems that every blog that I visit is outstanding in its own unique way! I could spend all day just blopping around in the Blog World! So I am leaving this award for you my readers - if you don't already have it, then please take it. Just leave me a comment and your Blog link so all the wonderful World may come visit!


  1. Congratulations on the award! I loved reading your list! Those are fun to read about others, but it seems so hard to come up with ones of your own! lol You did a marvelous job!

    And I LOVE your display!! Are those all of your own originals? It is a wonderful collection!!

  2. Thank you kindly for sharing you award with us, information about you, and for the compliments on our blogs! LOVE the ghost parade on the top shelf of the photo!

  3. Most of the items on the sideboard are Fenton Halloween pieces. The glittery house on the top shelf is my own creation.

  4. Ohohoh...on the the house?? You are brave!!! K want the bread recipe please...more about the dog training and you thought you would slip that Bourbon Street thing in there..yup spill it girl!!! LOL Wonderful 10 I looooved it!!! Thanks for sharing!! Hugs, Sarah

  5. love the picture...beautiful display... and congrats on the award..

  6. You should share your favorite bred recipe(s). DO you knead it yourself or use a bread machine or both? I can do both and I LOVE to bake! :)

    Congrats on the award! I love reading your lists!



  7. Whoa! Girl Gone Wild on Bourbon Street! I hope you got lots of pretty bead necklaces!!

  8. I post some recipes next month before Turkey Day! :0)

  9. Your display is awesome! Just WOW! Congratulations on your award.


  10. Love your Halloween goodies! Neat!

    Congratulations on your award! Thanks for sharing your deepest, darkest secrets - giggle!


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