
Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Autumn! What a glorious time of year! Soak up the long rays of afternoon Sun. For it won't be long before the short days of Winter have settled in.

The Leaves are falling. And soon the Trees will stand stark and bare against a Wintery sky.

Out come the rakes (or the leaf blowers) and an annual ritual begins. Do not look at it as a chore. It is simply housekeeping. I rake my leaves to use as mulch in the flowerbeds and along the fenceline to smother any errant weeds. I add them to the compost pile to help create wonderful 'Black Gold' for my flowers. And I make BIG piles of leaves for the Dogs (or me or Hubby) to run through. Oh, What fun! Let your inner child come out and play this season!


  1. the colors are beginning to turn quickly now... and it is simply beautiful... I gathered several yesterday just so I could look at them.... I love fall

  2. Fall colors are wonderful!

  3. I love raking leaves and then the run through them! Only to do it again.

  4. So many colours to love! A red tree by my office, a yellow tree by my front door. Orange trees by the store. Just gorgeous!

  5. I love the changing colors of the leaves...but it makes me so melancholy when they float to the ground.

    It's just such a beautiful time of the year....



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